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Recently in my Spanish class, we began to discuss surrealism in the form of art. I had never really had a opinion on art. I felt I didn't have enough "credentials" per say in order to form an legitimate opinion of any type of art, except for dance maybe because I've been doing that for so long.
As we've studied this topic further and further however, I've grown more and more fond of it. My favorite pieces seem to be those that look almost as if they are pictures like the ones above.
I think that surrealism appeals to me the most because it represents the most normal things in life, with a twist. I also have a bit of a "dark side" that enjoys dark humor and realizes the reality and finality of life, which is often a topic addressed through surrealism. Although I'm still not the best at analyzing art, I really enjoy looking at it which, I suppose, is the first step in enjoying art.
One thing I feel like in the art community is that it seems slightly elitist. When I'm sitting in my Spanish class, I often feel like my thoughts regarding a certain work. I feel like art is something that should foster creative thought and now deter people from commenting on it by making them worry that their thought isn't correct.
Similar to the discussions we've had recently in english class regarding the discussion of "author's intent: and that, unless you're the author, you truly cannot be sure of what the author has intended, you cannot know what the artist has intended without speaking to them. I think that art is meant to be what the "viewer" takes each piece to be, creating a truly unique experience for everyone!
"Art" isn't really a topic you can fully cover in one blog post, but I hoped to merely scratch the surface with this one. I hope you enjoyed, & come back next time!
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